I've visited a few times but I don't think that I've commented in a while. I'm here with you, though. 2010 had it's rough moments for me too. I've struggled with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome since 1991. This fall, I had a flare up. It makes putting words together very difficult. I can feel for you but not put it into words. Thanks for sharing your wonderful outlook on things - both visually and thought-wise. Thanks for sharing the funny and the real (not always the same but not mutually exclusive?) I certainly very, very much wish you a better New Year. I'm kind of attached to you, at this point, and have my fingers seriously crossed!
With love and hope and very best wishes and with true appreciation for you,
oh my... thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a note.. i always try to visit you in return if time allows as sharing, smiling and inspiring is why i blog x
Hello, wonderful Tracey!
ReplyDeleteI've visited a few times but I don't think that I've commented in a while. I'm here with you, though. 2010 had it's rough moments for me too. I've struggled with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome since 1991. This fall, I had a flare up. It makes putting words together very difficult. I can feel for you but not put it into words. Thanks for sharing your wonderful outlook on things - both visually and thought-wise. Thanks for sharing the funny and the real (not always the same but not mutually exclusive?) I certainly very, very much wish you a better New Year. I'm kind of attached to you, at this point, and have my fingers seriously crossed!
With love and hope and very best wishes and with true appreciation for you,
Katy xo
Happy New Year Tracy, hope it is a good one for you and your family and animals!
Here's to a much better 2011 with lots of exciting news and pretty things xx