Thursday, February 13

alive and kicking

i am still here and dreaming of seeing, smelling and touching green green grass. looking outside now i have no faith that grass will ever be seen here again as all you can see is mud and running water..

blogging and making time is short and i have no idea where each day goes and there is still not enough daylight to get all the days outside chores done...

also seem to have totally lost my camera battery charger..
i fear it may be lost under the massive pile of muddy clothes that are going all crusty in the corner of what feels like every room...

hope to be back soon when things settle...


  1. You are doing an amazing job, especially with this blooming awful weather.. Pat yourselves on the back:) regards Karan xxx

  2. Thank goodness you ARE still alive and kicking. I look every day to see if you have had time to blog, but it must be so difficult to fit everything in, especially in this disgusting, filthy, mud ensconced place we all call home. Will ever a spring be more welcomed than the one, hopefully, ahead. Battle on sunshine. X


oh my...
thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a note..
i always try to visit you in return if time allows as sharing, smiling and inspiring is why i blog x