Monday, January 27

lets ignore the mud and look at nice things....

i am still here in mud hell.
but to distract my eye and to prevent you being bored to death by reading all of my mud moans lets have a gander at some nice things ...

~ various little projects completed

~ new projects started

~ finally clapped eyes on a copy of a magazine that a pal of mine is featured in - seeing her beautiful home in print and knowing the absolute joy this brings is very special

~ warm horse cuddles on cold mornings

~ sleepy hounds

~ vegan hazlenut hot chocolate and wool. lots of both.

what will this week bring?
what plans do you have?


  1. gorgeous! im running and exercising and gardening and painting and sewing and meeting 1000 demands of kids and school runs and and mud! x

  2. Wanting to do something crafting but having to get on with study!
    Dreaming about sketching again but typing notes and procrastinating on the computer (oops)
    Lovely little lacy winged bird x

  3. i'm glad your lovely hounds are featured in your nice things.:) x

  4. Hello Tracy, lovely pictures, that little bird is delightful!

    I also saw the lovely article and it is nice to be able to put a face to the picture, and think I've met that lovely lady (and her lovely friend!)

    Mud be gone! It shall soon be Spring ...

    Love Claire xxx

  5. Glad you are finding time to play Nd have time with your doggies. Xxx


oh my...
thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a note..
i always try to visit you in return if time allows as sharing, smiling and inspiring is why i blog x