Monday, May 27

{{ blog every day in may }} day twentyseven

lordy be... what IS my secret talent that i have never shared with you all?

to be honest, i am not one to hold secrets about myself as generally what you see here is me...
i have never been a secretive person preferring to have everything in the open blowing freely in the breeze..
secrets can fester and go bad..

talent wise i think and hope that i have a connection with animals and without doubt this gift is the one i hold most dear..
i guess the secret i cherish and never really talk about with anyone is that i offer any damaged creature either physically or emotionally , laying on of healing hands..

i have no idea if i do really have this most wondrous of gifts as it is not something i have ever explored deeper, but if it offers any comfort at all at in a time of need then i shall continue to believe..

i think i need to find the time and space to bring this more in to my life as i can think of no greater gift to offer an animal in crisis than the feeling of comfort, love and reassurance...


  1. A beautiful gift - and so needed in your way of life I'm thinking.

  2. I think your love and enthusiasm are part of what helps those poorly animals. :)

    I love the picture of the horse.xx


oh my...
thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a note..
i always try to visit you in return if time allows as sharing, smiling and inspiring is why i blog x