Saturday, March 15


mabel is home..
she is home after surviving her big, nasty old leg operation #three and she has all four legs!!

phew what a horrid day yesterday was, lots of sobbing {me} lots of arguing through stress and worry {both}, and a general feeling of total and utter despair..

today, now she is home, albeit very bruised and sore, a weight has been lifted, a dark cloud blown firmly away, time to move on and hope that this little white, spotty, dotty hound of ours can go on to enjoy a happy long life..

we are blessed to have found the nicest vets who seem super talented and are very caring - i know its probably wrong to say but the small animal practice is mainly female staff and i do think this makes a huge difference. for us anyway.

my animals respond to a kind gentle voice, as i believe all animals do..
 i find {after working with vets myself for years} that even the kindest of male vets are still a little more practical and firm in their handling of animals and their owners...
the last few days have certainly been made easier by the women who cared for mabel so so well and allowed me to fall apart in the early hours of the morning when i had to leave her...
ahhh ladies we love you xx

today i am on  mabel watch, i am finding it totally impossible to remove myself from her side so here i shall stay.
i will catch up on a few projects and keep my eagle eyes on our tiny girl ...

before i go i want to say thank you so much for all your messages of support both here and on facebook and twitter. 
this online community of ours never fails to astound me with its kindness and understanding. i for one am very thankful for it and for all of you x

**a special hello and huge thanks to linda who left the most useful, perfect message about a similar journey with her own doglet. i cannot reply to you directly sweet linda as you show up as anonymous but i will leave you a message in my comments section underneath your message later today ** xx

away i go to gaze at my four legged dog {four!!} 



  1. Oh Tracy, poor you & poor Mabel! Only just caught up on this, but so glad to hear she is recovering. Of course she is family and precious, bless her. Hope it all continues to be ok fr you all. Now breathe!! xx

  2. ok again you got me welling up with tears! so relieved xxxx

  3. poor thing, glad she is home :)

  4. Just catching up with you Tracey..... I'm so happy for you and Mabel and your family. Hope the constipation sorts itself out soon (!) and you and Mabel can continue your life in each others' shadows xXx

  5. Dear Tracy - I am so pleased that Mabel has made it back home, and I do hope that you and she are both feeling more comfortable now. I am always interested in reading the blogs by people who are able to live their lives surrounded by many paws and mud, ( particularly if they have managed to retain a good bit of their sanity, which you seem to have done ) , which sort of balances out the other, beautiful-homes-with-not-a-thing-out-of-place blogs which also hold a place in my despairing heart. You can share your life with a dog, but when you have six, they do have a tendency to snaffle the whole thing, and throw you a few spare minutes here and there, ie when they're asleep. Add a few sheep, goats, horses and what have you into the equation, and I can only imagine what a day can hold in store for you, but I bet it doesn't involve duck egg velvet sofas and cream rugs. Or cocktail frocks and slingbacks on a regular basis. ( I personally am well-known for having nappy sacks stuffed into the pockets of every item of clothing I wear.) Ah, well. On a cold, dark morning, when I've got up at pre-dawn to let my dogs out. When I re-climb the stairs, grumbling with my first cup of hot tea, to find that they've already beaten me to it. There are six happy little faces beaming from the comfort of my bed, graciously making room for me. I know that this isn't the done thing. That Health and Safety, Hygiene, and Anybody With Any Sense, are justifiably appalled at the prospect of Dogs On Beds, ( let alone Dogs In Bed ). But there we are, all warm and snug, and just for a minute, I forget about the duck egg blue upholstery I've been yearning for. And do I have a packet of Rich Tea biscuits with me ? Absolutely !
    With lots of love, Linda.


oh my...
thank you so very much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a note..
i always try to visit you in return if time allows as sharing, smiling and inspiring is why i blog x